Daddy and I went on a date last Thursday. He took me to a baseball game at Arizona State University. He told me they were ranked #1 in the country. They were playing University of Michigan, ranked #8. Well, ASU took it to them, but we had fun. One of the players of U of M is from Daddy's home town. Pretty cool!
Over the weekend Mommy and Daddy took me to Scottsdale to check out a spring training game. We saw the San Francisco Giants host the Oakland A's. The A's whooped up big time! It was a beautiful day.

The weekend also proved to be a milestone in that I learned to say "Awesome!" We were in the pool and I said it. I also started kicking in the pool; like swimming kicking! Daddy says I am like Matt Biondi!
One last tidbit for you: I like asparagus, portobello mushrooms, buffalo, and spinach risotto. That's no lie.
Be sure to check out my videos. Happy spring and don't forget to change your clocks this weekend (unless you live in Arizona, we are kind of stubborn).