We had a fantastic time in San Diego.
Family Photo

Me & Abby at Mission Beach

Burr!!! I don't think I want to touch the water to today!

Mommy & Me at tower 13
Chilling on the Pier at Seaport Village
Daddy & Me at Sea Port Village celebrating Mother's Day
Uncle Todd, I thought that you would think the sail boat was pretty cool.

Here is I am digging up a turd on Dog Beach...I was having to great time playing in the sand when my mommy announced that she kept smelling a turd. Mommy & Daddy couldn't figure out where the smell was coming from, but after several minutes of periodically getting a
whiff of the stench my parents saw the turd on my shovel.

A new favorite pass time of mine is playing the car. I have my parent a little scared because I can find the correct key and then I stick it in the ignition.

The next time you see a black
Honda check to see if I am driving!!! See you later!
Ella Marie Tucker
My cousing Brody was born on May 12th. He weighed in a 8.25 lbs and 21.5". I am very excited to meet the little guy!