I hope you all had a wonderful May Day and are celebrating Cinco de Mayo with large amounts of guacamole!
Last Friday I started a class at North Valley Gymnastics. What a blast I had. Both Mom and Dad got to come watch me run around with Coach Susan and the other 4 girls in my class. We did summersaults, round-offs, the balance beam, bars, and the trampoline to name several. My special leotard allowed me grace and fluidity among my peers. Coach Susan asked if I had ever been involved in dance or tumbling. Mommy said, "Nope."
I wish I had photos to share from the day, but we forgot our camera. Dad says will be sure to get some at one of the next classes.
I really enjoyed my time with Coach Susan. She welcomed me right in and gave me lots of pointers. I am excited to show her my improvement next time.