Here are some pictures from my very very first Thanksgiving. I had a nice time with Mommy and Daddy. I let them eat and then Mommy let me eat. They are teaching me the art of cooperation and teamwork. I like being part of a team.
Daddy and Mommy prepared a lot of their feast the night before while I was sleeping. It sounded like they were cooking up a storm in the kitchen!
After we ate, we went for a walk to help settle the food. I got to play in the leaves. They matched my outfit. How fun is that?
I like to wear my collar up. Daddy says that the 80's were cool. I think so, too.
Today I wore jeans for the first time. I like them. They make me feel, they make me feel, they make me feel like a natural woman! Ha ha!
Gobble! Gobble!
She is so super cute! Congratulations! I know it's a late, sorry :) Enjoy every minute of her. It just gets better and better.