You will probably be able to tell from the pictures that I had a great week! But I am into stating the obvious.
I started off my week with a road trip with Mommy, Kirstin, and Caeden up and over to Show Low. It is a lovely town about 3 hours northeast of Phoenix. We stayed at the "yellow house" a.k.a. Kirstin's parents' get-a-way house.

Who knew golf could be so much fun? Tiger, watch out I have a killer one arm approach!

It was also my birthday this past week and I am officially 2! I have had lots of little parties. My first 2nd birthday was celebrated in Quincy over Labor Day. My second 2nd birthday party was up in Show Low with Kirstin and Caeden. We had a delicious peppermint cheesecake, YUM!!!

My buddy Caeden and I going on a walk.

Playing at the Show Low city park.
I love to run!!! On my real 2nd birthday (September 20th) I decided to run circles around the fireplace.

Here I am with Amy and Matt Thomas and we are celebrating my third 2nd birthday party at Jamba Juice! That is my favorite place to go!!!

Here Daddy and I are at the fourth and last of my 2nd birthday parties.
Ciao Amigos!!!
One last byte for you. Per Dr. Horlick, I am 26 lbs. (50th %ile) and 34.5" (75th %ile) tall. My mommy and daddy say that's just right!
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