My parents really like fall. I understand that it's quite different here in Phoenix than in Michigan where they grew up, but I get the gist of their admiration. Football, apples, leaves, and...jean jackets? I rock'em just like Mommy and Daddy!

Mommy and I got Daddy an iPod Touch for his birthday. I helped him get a bunch of songs loaded on to it. I have an affinity towards gadgets and explained to Daddy that monkeys have been trained to use them!

My bosom buddy Caeden celebrated his 3rd birthday over the weekend. I had a great time at the party with my friends and family. We played with balloons, tricycles, and balls.
Yay for fall! Even if it's in the 90s and you can only really wear jean jackets inside where there's a.c. Ella, you're getting cuter and cuter.