Finally, it is not too hot to play outside. This week we got to go to the park a few times, but Mommy didn't take any photos. Mommy says that I have to up my bathing since I like to get into the dirt. Here I am getting some bath toys ready.

Mommy and Daddy cannot believe how fast I am growing up. I like to be independent and now I know when to voice my opinion. My latest phrase is "NO, don't touch me!"

I spent some time dropping goldfish for the birds to eat.

Here are some other interesting facts about me:
I like to sleep with the light on.
Mommy caught me with the toilet open, cleaning it with the toilet brush.
I am still crazy, as ever, about blueberries and raspberries (raspblueberries as I call them.)
I started to use a pillow at night.
I am quick to say "I'm sorry," especially if I think it will help me get out of trouble.
I love when Mommy and Daddy sing to me when I am brushing my hair or teeth.
I enjoying look at old photos of myself.
I know how to get my own drink out of the refrigerator and put it back.