Friday, December 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Jesus; It's Christmas!

Hey Friends!

Sorry the blog is a little late.

Last week I left Phoenix to visit my family in Michigan and celebrate the birthday of Jesus. So far my trip has been a whale of a time. I got to play in the snow, danced like no other, made a cake for the birthday party, went to a live nativity with a cool petting zoo and saw lots of family. The neat part is that my trip isn't even half over; I will be in Michigan for two more weeks.

In the meantime, Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I'm leavin' on a jet plane...


Hello Everyone!

Today Mommy and I get to go on a big airplane to Michigan, while Daddy goes to Texas for a few days before joining us. I am very excited! I have my bags packed and my teeth brushed!

Mommy and I have been very busy baking for our friends. So far we have made 10 dozen cookies and a pan of brownies.

I cannot wait to see you all!

I'll be there soon!
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Boys are...Cool!

It's funny, but I think that boys don't have cooties. You may think I am naive or jaded, but really they're lots of fun. In fact, I discovered recently that they are sweet, too. My buddy Caeden came over last week and we played; we hugged, too.

Then I found out that my new cousin from Uncle Cory and Aunt Melissa is a boy. Mommy and Daddy told me the little arrow on his picture tells me that he's a he!

Congrats Uncle Cory and Aunt Melissa!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007