Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Penny Lane

I have really gotten into the idea of money and having some of my own. I frequently ask Mommy and Daddy if I can have some cash or a debit card. I like going to the store and riding on the mechanical toys. After my countless requested my parent decided that I could have a few pennies and dimes to count. That keep my occupied for a few days then I decided that I would experiment a little so I ate a penny. It hurt a little swallowing it, but after a drink of water it was no problem. I found that it took 48 hours to go through my digestive tract and that my body was unable to break down the penny. You'll be happy to know that it came out good as new!!! Mommy and Daddy said that I have to wait awhile before I get to play with money again.


  1. Ella, that is what a piggy bank is used for :) Let the pig swalllow the penny!

  2. Ella its a good thing that penny came out its probbly not a good place to put pennies in.

    -Uncle Steven
